050 314 41 20

Two floors, serveral themes


Hang out in our Bar!


The Main in the North of the Netherlands


kids (up to 12 j): € 14,- for 2 games
adult (from 13 j up): € 17,- for 2 games


Birthdaycake: € 12,50

Studentnight? Company-party?

Studentnight, company outing in Groningen? With a group of 6 til 100 persons?  For a compleet night out! I dare you!


Do you want to organize a party where all the kids will be talking about for months? Do you dare to celabrate your birthday of schoolparty with us?

About Target Lasergame

The game can be played in a group of minimal 6 persons and a maximum of 20 persons. We will separate the group in 2 or 3 teams and the meaning is that you and your team will collect points, as many as possible.