050 314 41 20

The main at the Northern of the Netherlands


Two floors, serveral themes


Possibele on your own location

Target lasergame

The game

The game can be played in 15 minutes, the minimum must be at least 6 players and the maximum in the Arena 20 players per round. The players will be split in two teams. The meaning is that you and your team collect points as much as possible. These points you can ear by shut down players of the other team.

All your activities wil be registered, so we can give you the score-forms after the game. You can discus your game and achievements in the mean while with a appetizer and a drink at our bar. 

We apply a minimum age of 8 years old, this is because the size and the weight of the vest. 

Small amount groups under the 8 persons can be combined with crowded evenings. Provided that the players are from the samen age.

For groups we have different arrangements.


Group outing?

Discuss the opportunities!


Planning to organize a exciting kidsparty?At Target Lasergame you’re at the right adres. You can give a party with us from atleast 6 children. Check our kidsarrangement.

Corporate events

Studentnight? Day out with your company? Bachelorparty in the center of Groningen? For group of 6 until 100 persons Target Lasergame can offer you several spectacular arrangements.